If not now, when?

April 29, 2015  •  3 Comments

It seems like a strange concept, writing a blog. I have always loved jotting down my thoughts... but for the public to see, is kind of a new and scary concept to me. I feel that for some reason I want to explain myself and why I chose to make a facebook page, open a zenfolio account and pick an actual name for my photography *cringe* "business". Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE taking pictures for my own personal use and for others... but I have been resisting this business aspect for a while now. I wanted to just secretly take pictures and edit in my favorite chair at my home and let the world see my own little piece of pride. Somehow, though, this photography has taken on a life of its own. Let me backtrack and explain how it all came to be. 


We are going on three years from when I first got my camera, not much time at all. My husband became ill and I am assuming the majority of the people reading this, will already know that bit of info. My first thought when this all occurred was, "I want to remember all of this". I didn't really have a camera at that point, besides my poor excuse of a camera on my blackberry. (I can't believe I still had a blackberry three years ago, they seem so ancient). Fast forward a few months and my parents bought my husband Brenden and I a Nikon DSLR... kit lenses and all. I was thrilled, and we were taking pictures of everything. Just a few months later, almost like it was meant to be, Daniele of Daniele Carol Photography had a one day course on learning your camera. It took me a while, but I took a million pictures to figure that dang thing out, I was determined and I was hooked. That was the start of it all.


I have always chose artistic expression in life.. whether it be singing, dancing, acting, crafting, etc., A creative outlet is my forte. This is no different. I loved my straight out of camera shots, but I was driven to learn more and do more with my camera... I still am. I have been fortunate to have my super adorable niece and nephews to test all the new stuff I learn on. Overnight, people starting noticing the pictures I take of those three and asking me to take pictures for them. I honestly couldn't believe they wanted me to take pictures, I am my own worst critic. The more people have inquired, the more I feel a little more confident in myself. This has been a wonderful change of pace from my day job as a nurse, which can become somewhat depressing... Pictures are always to celebrate the joys in life, and I absolutely love that. I have been extremely insistent in keeping my photography a hobby. After all, I don't know everything, or own all the great equipment that deems worthy of a business. My other fear has been that turning my hobby into a business, might take away the fun in it. The more people are asking, the harder it is to keep a grasp on that hobby and not question the business aspect... I am still on my journey to find my happy medium in that. 


Now, I named my photography and put together this account.. why, if I want to keep it a hobby? Well, there are a few reasons. Reason one: In a Facebook world where everyone is selling something these days I started questioning if people were getting annoyed with MY posts. SO many pictures! Well, I figured with a Facebook page, at least you only have to look at my pictures if you like them and want to. Reason two: I have started taking pictures of people who are not my niece and nephews, and delivering CDs of the pictures tends to become a little daunting of a task. Reason three, the name: This kind of goes hand in hand with starting a Facebook and Zenfolio account, you kind of need a name for them. I also have wanted to have a name behind them for a while, maybe it's a pride thing...they are my babies.


So why Samantha Violet? Because, confession time, Violet is not my middle name. I know most people name their photography after themselves... but I didn't really want to. I think it's that lack of confidence thing festering down inside. I knew from the moment I had thought about naming my photography, I wanted Violet in the name. Violet is the name of my Great-Grandmother. A woman whom I knew for a very small portion of my life, but have heard so many wonderful stories of. There is one thing from my childhood that has always stuck-at her funeral there was this small rock, near a plant, that said "Do small things with great love" -Mother Theresa. I have tried to carry that with me my entire life. In my mind, I feel that is the pure definition of my photography. I am just a hobby photographer, that is extremely passionate about what I am doing. I also love the joy pictures bring to people. I went through so many different names including Violet... but, you would be surprised how many people like Violet for their photography name! I finally decided my name was most appropriate (after months of denying it). Honestly, after I chose that, it just really seemed like it was always meant to be, it just seemed natural. 


I am happy, excited and would be lying if I didn't say I was nervous, for this new endeavor. I think this is verging on the side of novel instead of blog, but I am grateful for everyone who took the time to check out my Zenfolio, and read the journey that got me to this point. Enjoy your day, capture the memories and do some small things with great love. 




Kayla paul(non-registered)
I enjoyed reading this blog! I'm slowly starting to take more and more photographs for families. I'm going to nmu for digital photography, and people started seeing my work and slowly more and more people asked me if I'd want to take theirs! I want to one day open my own business up.. One day. But for now, focus on outdoor portraits. Figuring out a name, and all the little details is hard. This little blog helped me, and reassured me of some things :).
Good luck, you're photographs are amazing.
Eventide Images
Thanks Sam! I am really excited and a little nervous... so happy I finally took the plunge.
Yay, I'm so happy you did it! I love being able to bounce ideas off each other, and can't wait to see where this takes you :)
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